Tynker - Learn to code

Tynker is the easiest way to learn programming. Start by playing games and solving puzzles.

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3.83 (Rating count: 12)
See reviews for Tynker - Learn to code on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 3.83

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Cain Murphy
en TYNKER VS. SCRATCH Scratch: Can make everything look like anything (including making things look actually good), custom blocks, SCRATCH LABS, has mod websites, TURBOWARP, an actual fanbase Tynker: A lot of things look like something from an early-2000's flash game, no custom blocks, no new blocks, doesn't have mod websites, no websites to make projects run better, and its fanbase is... is there fanbase? 1/5 stars, zero if I could
en i use it and i am nine i think it is the best just like the saying don´t judge a book by its cover do not jugde tynker before useing it
Frank Lee
en Awesome! really gets the beginning of coding based thinking stimulated. good job!
Janet Cupp
en when i click on create it does nothing :(
Amelia Denson
en Slow and not too fun for older kids