Green Plants

A nice green theme.

Total ratings

3.96 (Rating count: 47)
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Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 3.96
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Android Gt
es El color me gusta, pero lo negro de esa planta no me gusta. me gusta colores mas vivos alegres.
ila roblox accc adamss
en it dosetn cover the screen
Nathalie Alvarado
en want to delete
Tilted Tam
en Very lovely and perky Green theme, especially after a gloomy Winter.:)
Lisa Tombaugh
en It covers my entire screen. I have to zoom out to see the entire picture. I am ok with that. It is pretty and simple. I like that the active tab is a different color that the other tabs. You did a really nice job with this. I will look at your other works for my next them. Thank you.
Jamie P
en Great pic but does not cover the whole screen. :/
Amelia Amels
en i love it!
Scotty Townsend
en random white block :/
2017-01-29 A Google user Love it, but I wish it covered the entire screen, I too have a white block on the left side of the screen. :( Please fix!!
A Google user
en Love it, but I wish it covered the entire screen, I too have a white block on the left side of the screen. :( Please fix!!
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