Viterbit Sourcing Extension

Con la extensión de Sourcing de Viterbit podrás añadir candidatos en tu base de datos desde cualquier lugar.

Viterbit Sourcing Extension para Reclutamiento Efectivo

Viterbit Sourcing Extension es una extensión de Chrome diseñada para el reclutamiento profesional. Permite agregar candidatos directamente a tu base de datos desde cualquier lugar con solo un clic, y también actualizar la información de los candidatos existentes. Diseñada especialmente para trabajar con Linkedin y Linkedin Recruiter, Viterbit Sourcing Extension facilita y agiliza el proceso de reclutamiento y selección de personal.
Install from Chrome Web Store

Extension stats

Manifest V3
Users: 997
Version: 2.3.5 (Last updated: 2024-11-27)
Creation date: 2020-09-12
  • activeTab
Host permissions:
  • *://**
  • *://**
Size: 496.64K
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge

User reviews

Funciona perfecta, muy útil y ahorra mucho tiempo
by A Google user, 2022-05-13
View all user reviews

Extension safety

Risk impact

Viterbit Sourcing Extension requires a few sensitive permissions. Exercise caution before installing.

Risk impact analysis details
  • Critical Request access to the following domains:,
  • High ******* ******* **** *** ****** ***** *** ***** ** ******* **** ********* ********* ** * *********** *****
Risk likelihood

Viterbit Sourcing Extension is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this extension.

Risk likelihood analysis details
  • High This extension has low user count. Unpopular extensions may not be stable or safe.
  • Low **** ********* *** ******* **** **** * ****** **** ***** ******** *** **** ****** ** ** ****** *** *****
  • Low **** ********* *** ***** **** **** * ****** **** ***** ********** *** **** ****** ** ** ****** *** *****
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Similar extensions

Here are some Chrome extensions that are similar to Viterbit Sourcing Extension: