Battle Cry - World War (RPG)

Addictive text based RPG game with Ops, Battles, Alliances, Alliance Wars, Total Domination Wars, Weekly Tournaments and lots more.

Total ratings

3.34 (Rating count: 120)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun gameplay for fans of text-based RPGs
  • Dynamic player progression
  • No pay-to-win mechanics
  • Good replacement for similar games
  • Depth in role-playing elements
  • Repetitive gameplay with excessive clicking
  • Not enjoyable for those unfamiliar with the genre
  • Limited interaction and base-building
  • Frustration over in-game monetization and promotions
  • Some users find the game boring
Most mentioned
  • Gameplay is repetitive and involves a lot of clicking
  • Fun for fans of text-based RPG games
  • Dynamic progression system
  • Criticism for being spam-like or boring
  • Comparison to similar games like World War
See reviews for Battle Cry - World War (RPG) on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 3.34
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Rating filters

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50% (18)
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36% (13)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Tyler Hillman
en game is actually fun when u figure it out
en People who didn't like this game, just simply don't like the genre, and blame it on the game. This genre is for those of you who love to play text-based rpg games. The player progression in dynamic next games are one of the best progression systems I've ever witnessed. You don't have to pay to win, you just have to make good decisions within the game to be successful. Great game if you're into the genre. Don't let the bad reviews shy you away, they just don't like the genre.
Grace Crawford
en You do nothing just reading and clicking
roderick clark
en awesome
Edgardo Valdez
es buena
Dale Kins
en Much better than WW as you get more chances to gain money & improve performance during app levels also you can boost game by simply following options available to increase certain player attack & defence power ratios
en Stupid
pt mt legal e demais
Bruno Adriano Cardozo
pt gostei
Hydrominous Rex
en great game
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