
TV Show Brothers Dean and Sam follow in their father's footsteps and set out to eliminate monsters, demons and all other…

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3.38 (Rating count: 13)
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Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 3.38

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Arthur Gb
pt horrivel!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ranae Miller
en I love this because Sam is in front and hes my fav and its got the other 2.....which i love 2!!!! Anyways my only problem is the tab bars.....u cant read what the tabs say without REALLY looking and the weird spike things that go through the tabs. That part is SUPER annoying and I'm looking for a new theme because of it....! But i still love this particular theme tho! <3
Anna Cockayne
en It doesn't fit the entire chrome screen & there is a weird "peak" at the top in the tab bar.
Red Durnford
en it cut of Cas' head and half of the title
Lil' Conrad
en I fangirled when It appeared and I love it so much !
vimal tom
en Nice theme