AdBlock — block ads across the web

Block ads on YouTube and your favorite sites for free

Total ratings

4.49 (Rating count: 289,893)

Review summary

    • Does not block ads effectively on YouTube and other sites
    • Frequent pop-up ads encouraging users to upgrade to AdBlock Premium
    • High CPU usage on certain pages
    • Overall functionality has significantly declined
    • Lacks a proper interface for reporting issues or feedback
    Most mentioned
    • YouTube ads are not blocked
    • Pop-up ads for premium version
    • General ineffectiveness as an ad blocker
    • High resource consumption
    • Frustrations with ad blocking features breaking after updates
    These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    See reviews for AdBlock — block ads across the web on Chrome Web Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 3.30
    All time rating average: 4.49
    Upgrade to see all 7,885 reviews

    Rating filters

    5 star
    39% (3,109)
    4 star
    8% (656)
    3 star
    10% (827)
    2 star
    8% (663)
    1 star
    33% (2,630)
    Date Author Rating Lang Comment
    Syrupy Skies
    en Not very effective anymore :(
    Jens Hallgren
    sv När Adblock så ofta öppnar nya flikar med egen reklam att det blir mer störande än all annan reklam, då är det dags att avinstallera. Tyvärr. Har varit bra i många år, men nu räcker det.
    en It blocks ads ,but it doesn't block all of the ads. You are better off getting a different plugin
    Johnny Ice
    en Youtube turns the ad function back on, getting really buggy.
    JaeHyeok Kang
    ko 광고방식이 업데이트 되서 잘 작동 안되는 중이에요! 이번에도 할 수 있어!!! 믿고있습니다 애드블록!
    Michal Kovac
    sk Tak na youtube uz video stopne a napise, ze sa pouziva nejaky Adblock, takze nefunguje,..a ked aj chcem povolit reklamu,takze je vypnuty,..tak aj tak video nepusti,..
    en the new youtube update is awesome. i dont usually rate chrome extensions but this is deserved.
    annie f
    en new update on youtube made me lol
    Katherine Jimenez
    en good adblocker but has stopped working today for some reason idk if youtube has been banning all other ad blockers or its just not working for me
    Andrei Mabanta
    en works like a charm. can't say otherwise, lol
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