Color Coded

A dark theme with happy color coded tabs. Features include a one of a kind custom made frame, toolbar set with tabs and an…

Total ratings

4.71 (Rating count: 31)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Beautiful and colorful design
  • Gives a clean and minimalistic look to the GUI
  • Lightweight (only 370kb) compared to many other themes
  • Users appreciate the aesthetic appeal and find it non-distracting
  • Highly recommended by long-time users and fans of the developer's themes
  • The rainbow gradient can have issues with 'gradient: fit' code causing it to stop randomly on the screen
  • Some users want the current tab to stand out more
  • Users would like to see the URL bar ring always present for better visibility
Most mentioned
  • The beautiful and colorful design
  • The aesthetic appeal and minimal distraction
  • The desire for enhancements to current tab visibility
See reviews for Color Coded on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.71
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Rating filters

5 star
74% (17)
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17% (4)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Zami Rajper
en brilliant
Julzy Bee
en I have used this developer's themes and wallpapers for years and have always loved all of them. You won't be disappointed.
Shy Violet (Shy_Violet)
en It reminds me of summer time, I love it! Thank you <3
en So cool !
Chris Berg (Chris Berg Profil 1)
fr C'est vraiment magnifique. J'aimerais dans d'autres nuanciers de couleurs minimalistes
Jihad Islam
en as far as great
jD-life-vision org
en the rainbow gradient doesn't have 'gradient: fit' code in it, it stops randomly on my screen.. 'chrome' issue so tired. it'd be my fav theme possibly
yatu 123
en just too gud
en It's just PERFECT =)
Bray Baxter (Baccseat Productions CEO)
en Best chrome theme I have seen/used EVER. Just makes the GUI look so clean. I recommend his / hers other wallpapers too.
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