Clean Calculator

A clean and simple calculator app.

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4.50 (Rating count: 10)
See reviews for Clean Calculator on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.17
All time rating average: 4.50

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Melissa Richard
en I was having a fine time with this app until I noticed that it was changing some of my input and/or adding wild repeating decimals to basic addition problems. Examples: adding 15.26 and 6.25 resulted in an answer of 21.5099999 ?! Trying to multiply anything by .2 or .02 was turned into whole 2, I thought I'd mis-keyed the first time, but it is completely repeatable. Deleting this app and trying another.
A Google user
en Great for simple calculation. My personal preference is to have "C" button at the right top side as I subconsciously go there for the clear function.
Thomas Fernandez
en This calculator, unlike many of the others in the Chrome Store, actually works with the keypad on a standard keyboard!
Justin Starkenburg
en Simple, clean, effective. Unlike 90% of the calculator apps I like this one because: The window size can be easily changed, functions you actually use are clearly visible, the screen isn't crowded with functions no one actually uses outside of a math class.
Joshua Naehr
en Completely idiot-proof. I like how you can control the size of it, would be cool if there was a button on the browser that I could just click to bring it up. Awesome app.
michael bellero
en nice, big keys and simple to use. Love it