432Hz & 528Hz Converter for Spotify

Project no longer supported - Get the NEW and IMPROVED All in One Ultimate 432 Player Extension instead

Total ratings

3.83 (Rating count: 12)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Seamless integration with Spotify
  • Ability to convert music to 432Hz and 528Hz easily
  • High-quality audio output
  • User-friendly interface and easy installation
  • Positive impact on music listening experience
  • Requires a monthly subscription for full access
  • Lack of transparency about payment before registration
  • Some users report functionality issues, like missing buttons
  • Demo or free options are not available
  • Limited media compatibility beyond Spotify
Most mentioned
  • Subscription model
  • Integration with Spotify
  • Audio quality improvement
  • Functionality issues after changing settings
  • Lack of free trial or demo
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Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 3.83
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Cony M
es Si pudiera le daría 0 estrellas, simplemente porque no son transparentes y hacen perder el tiempo. En ningún lado dice aquí que funciona 100% con suscripción mensual, es decir que es totalmente de pago. Pensé que sería como su reproductor para Android, que tiene funciones gratis y otras pago, y que agrega publicidad. Pero no, aquí ni siquiera permiten un video al día gratis. Publicidad engañosa. Poca transparencia de su empresa, en concreto. En ninguna parte aquí en la descripción lo mencionan, ni siquiera en letra pequeña, porque el "ofrece compras directas desde la aplicación" ("Offers in-app purchases") que sale en los detalles, hace referencia a algo freemium (como su app de Android), lo que no es cierto. La única manera de usar esta extensión es pagando una suscripción mensual (da lo mismo que te regalen 3 días de prueba cuando ingresas tarjeta... de todos modos no es freemium). La extensión de YouTube es lo mismo, 100% de pago.
Dante Rediva (RED)
it L'estensione è a pagamento ma non viene detto nulla di ciò nella descrizione. Devi prima effettuare il login o la registrazione. Solo dopo esserti registrato compare un messaggio di errore che riferisce non l'estensione non funzioni senza la sottoscrizione di un abbonamento mensile. Questo modo di proporre il software è assolutamente truffaldino. Non metto in dubbio che funzioni alla grande e che l'idea sia positiva, ma fate perdere tempo a chi non può o non vuole spendere per un estensione di questo tipo ingannandolo. Oltretutto, potevate almeno mettere una prova gratuita. Ma niente. Se non volete dare niente, non vi si dà niente. Spero sopraggiungano dei competitor più etici!
Laura Merchán
es Iba todo super bien, pero ya no deja pasar de 432 a 528 desde Spotify. Por favor, ARREGLENLO!
Ross Atlan
en Call me crazy but I can't hear the shift... I don't think it works because I tune my guitar to 432hz fundamental (A4) and also record in my home studio this way and you CAN hear the difference when you A<>B the mixes. ...I have not found a "blanket mix" 440 to 432 hz program work across the entire mix... although several online versions exist, they only work on simple tones, not entire complex song mixes across the board.
alex inderbitzin
Hiếu Nghĩa
en can you extens this extension more in all media in chrome ? or at least is youtube, can't you
Elias Berkley
en It is about time that I even dare to say that automatically this has to be a must. Incorporated in the browser I mean ... To be able to listen to sounds that are as nature intended to be listened too. Let's share this by advertising when one opens the browser , explaining too the benefits of these frequency to us, .... heavenly Have not tested this yet .. hope it works .. Thanks to the person that made this possible ... Thanks
en It's a complete mystery why stupid Spotify still doesn't accept this in their app. Those who want to use the plug install it, those who do not want to install it do not. This ignoring means they hate people.
Matan D
en The ONLY way I've found to actually listen to 432hz and 528hz using Spotify in realtime without the need for conversion of any kind!
Tesla369 432
de Die Entdeckung der 432Hz Chrome-Erweiterung hat mein Spotify-Hörerlebnis revolutioniert, indem sie jeden Track auf Knopfdruck mit einem reicheren, natürlicheren Klang erklingen lässt. Die nahtlose Integration und makellose Leistung dieser Erweiterung ermöglichen eine verbesserte musikalische Reise ohne Unterbrechungen. Es ist ein Wendepunkt für jeden, der die harmonischen und heilenden Frequenzen der 432Hz-Musik erkunden möchte.
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