Material Design Flat Black Theme

A simple, elegant, material design flat black theme.

Total ratings

4.59 (Rating count: 59)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Vivid and elegant design
  • Perfect dark theme that fits well with dark mode on other apps
  • Not pitch black, but very dark grey, creating an elegant look
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Works well with Stylish
  • Tab outlines are distracting for some users
  • Need for an update to the new Material UI
  • Dark Reader compatibility issues with new tab page
Most mentioned
  • Favorite theme I’ve ever tried
  • Elegant and visually pleasing
  • A request for a variant with a white new tab page
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.59
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Rating filters

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86% (19)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Laura Fuller
en Vivid and elegant. My favorite theme I've ever tried!
Arif Erdeo
en Nice looks great
Josh Eberhard
en The perfect dark theme. Fits in with the dark mode on every website including dark Windows 10. Elegantly shaded so it's flat, subtle and not pure black. Love it!
Matt RBX
en Pretty good but could you please remove the outline on the tabs otherwise is pretty good
en Simple Dark Flat Theme A++
Carlos Kaiky Prado EHL
en TOP
en Very nice! Not pitch black, but very dark grey. Elegant and has a kind of soft feel to it.
Benjamin Aalund (Netrex)
en My personal favorite but if you could please update it for the new Material UI in chromes new update.
Jeong-hun Sin
en I like it, but please, please solve this issue. I am using Dark Reader (if a user is using a dark theme like this, I think the chance is high that he is also using Dark Reader), and the new tab page is dark, so it is inverted when the Dark Reader is on. The problem is that I cannot selectively turn off the Dark Reader for the new tab page. Please create a variant of this theme with a white new tab page like "Material Design Flat Black Theme (white New Tab page)".
Nining Wahyuningsih
en simple and i love it
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