
«Комма́ндо» англ. «Commando» -Американский кинофильм Арнольдом Шварценеггером, классический боевик 1980-х. Премьера состоялась 4……

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4.75 (Rating count: 4)
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All time rating average: 4.75

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Dan Krause
en I guess you have to be old enough to remember this classic Schwarzenegger movie in the first place, but after reviewing the themes I was ecstatic when I came across this one. The only Schwarzenegger theme that would have been better was a Predator Theme. That is by far my favorite of all of his movies. They have several Terminator themes which are cool but those movies are not very high on my list of Arnold Favs. Whomever created this theme is awesome and deserves and A+++ in my book. The only downer is that I wish the colors were a little better than just drab plain white and gray. You can't even see the back and froward arrows. Super Great anyways. Thanks!!
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