Chrome Capture - screenshot & GIF

Take screenshots & record GIFs instantly! Edit & share seamlessly. Your all-in-one screenshot and screen recording solution.

Total ratings

4.64 (Rating count: 1,328)

Review summary

  • Easy to use and efficient navigation
  • Useful for creating GIFs and screen recordings
  • One-time fee for premium features is appealing
  • Great for tutorials and educational content
  • Captures long screenshots effectively
  • Limited recording time (14 seconds) without the paid version
  • Translation issues noted by users
Most mentioned
  • Ease of use and efficiency
  • GIF creation and screenshot capabilities
  • Utility for instructional purposes
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Chrome Capture - screenshot & GIF on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 4.64
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Rating filters

5 star
84% (890)
4 star
6% (63)
3 star
2% (23)
2 star
3% (28)
1 star
5% (51)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Yuri Milanchik
ru Снёс нафиг Яндекс Браузер и, сразу встал вопрос ,как делать скриншоты. Но,слава Богу, в Google Chrome есть такое расширение. Всё удобно. Пользуюсь не очень давно и,ещё не все возможности освоил. А настроек там много и они очень гибкие. Всем доволен !
Jonathas MA
pt simples e eficiente!
Tony Ortez
en this is very helpful
Christian Sobotka
de Gefällt mir sehr Gut und ich kann alles Wichtige sehr einfach Screenshotten
Comprascali Salamanca
es Muy buena herramienta!
Sage Zhao
en Good
Noelia Cuadrado
en i use it all the time, i love it.
Roisy Villegas
es muy buena
Niko Oviedo
es La versión paga esta increíble! Herramienta super útil para hacer tutoriales o instructivos.
xia lu
zh 特别好
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