SGF Viewer and Editor for Go

This app is a Go, Baduk, Weiqi board and SGF editor for viewing and replaying Go, Baduk game records.

Total ratings

3.46 (Rating count: 13)
See reviews for SGF Viewer and Editor for Go on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.46

Rating filters

5 star
33% (2)
4 star
3 star
2 star
17% (1)
1 star
50% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
David Wildgoose
en Just the ticket to examine a Go game and quickly explore alternate branches. Very useful. Thanks!
Tim Kaze
en it's not easy to move along the game and only one color appear for the stones, besides the point of requiring to disable the adblocker... please, try to improve it as such an app could be useful if it works.
Andreas Boerner
en requires me to disable adblocker, which I do not want, so useless. no obvious way to unconnect app I hate it.
Norman Boettcher
en I can not unconnect from this
Alexandre Elshobokshy
en thanks !
faith milliron
en this app is awful and stuiped