AdGuard AdBlocker MV2

Unmatched adblock extension against advertising and pop-ups. Blocks ads on Facebook, YouTube and all other websites.

Total ratings

4.44 (Rating count: 84)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Blocks ads effectively on various sites
  • User-friendly and easy to configure
  • Good customer support reported by users
  • Good performance on certain browsers (e.g., Yandex)
  • Advanced filtering options available
  • Issues with functionality in normal and incognito mode
  • Occasional failure to block ads on platforms like YouTube and Twitch
  • Reports of slowness and high resource usage
  • Inconsistencies in performance (must click multiple times to respond)
  • Some users experiencing regression in effectiveness
Most mentioned
  • Not working on certain websites (e.g., YouTube, Twitch)
  • High memory and CPU usage
  • Good at blocking ads but inconsistent performance
  • Customer support is helpful
  • Sudden decline in blocking performance after initial success
See reviews for AdGuard AdBlocker MV2 on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.44
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Rating filters

5 star
75% (46)
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5% (3)
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3% (2)
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1 star
16% (10)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ajaira Account
en awesome ad blocker working really well
Michal Woronowsky
uk Із розширенням останнім часом якась дурня твориться: перестало блокувати гівнорекламу.
Liberty ́ ́
zh 這個版本的穩定性最高 沒有故障過
eabd alhalim Mohammed
ar جيد جدا
Oscar Zamora
es Al principio funcionaba ahora ya no
abdo ryd
ольга головко
ru А почему эта программка не обновляется была Версия 4.4.41 и mv3 никакого нет
hafumi ng
vi cực tốt luonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,free mà chặn mọi thể loại quảng cáo với một số web rác và virus . 5 sao
DgoaSt Dorext
ru Работает, установил вместо AdGuard Антибаннер MV3 который не блокирует и не обновляется в последнее время.
Кирилл Давыдов
ru блокирует все в паре с AdGuard Extra
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