Trello Grids

Custom Trello Lists, Grids, and Cards.

Total ratings

4.14 (Rating count: 14)

Review summary

  • Works perfectly with simple configuration
  • No setup issues
  • Creates a grid layout for Trello boards
  • Fast and bug-free performance
  • User-friendly extension
  • Large vertical heights between grid items
  • No individual control for each board (global control only)
  • Initial functionality issues resolved by restarting Chrome
Most mentioned
  • It creates a grid for Trello boards
  • It requires no setup and works straightforwardly
  • Vertical heights in the grid could be better adjusted
  • Functionality improved after restarting Chrome
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.14
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Rating filters

5 star
77% (10)
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star
23% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Vn Galaxy
en The same! It does create a grid, but the vertical heights between them is very large, when when you select "short." It needs to self adjust as you add more cards to each list!
Daniel Pendick
en It does create a grid, but the vertical heights between them is very large, when when you select "short." It needs to self adjust as you add more cards to each list.
James Krewson
en When I click the extension, it just takes me back to this page (the chrome extension page). There's no menu, or options, or anything I can select or set. UPDATE: Yeesh. Never mind, sorry for false report. Restarting Chrome fixed the behavior. Works great, now! Changed to 5 stars.
Issotyo Sulistyo
en It's works perfectly!
Dan Bock
en It does not allow me to arrange my boards in a grid.
Steve Gildersleeve
en Exactly what I was looking for and it works without any setup issues!
Keith Adams
en Great extension. Works perfectly!! Thanks
Courtney Rogers
en Perfect! This plugin is right on the money!
en Perfectly what I needed. Love Trello but having to scroll across is inconvenient. I love that there are choices regarding the layout size as well.
Christian Maioli M.
en It just works, and configuration is super simple
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