Shared network folder (SFTP)

Access a SFTP server directly from the Files app.

Total ratings

2.86 (Rating count: 373)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works as advertised and allows for easy file copying from SFTP to Chromebook
  • Mounts a folder that persists through reboots
  • User-friendly and easy to set up for ChromeOS users
  • Can connect successfully to some servers without issues
  • Frequent connection timeouts preventing access to servers
  • Inability to work with symbolic links
  • Does not save credentials, making it inconvenient to use
  • Issues with modern key exchange methods and not supporting IPv6
  • Errors when connecting such as 'finishing ssh2 session failed'
Most mentioned
  • Connection issues including frequent timeouts and inability to connect to various servers
  • Problems with transferring files either to or from the server
  • Inconsistent performance leading to system notifications and application freezing
  • Lack of support for certain key types (like ed25519) or modern features
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.90
All time rating average: 2.86
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Rating filters

5 star
22% (19)
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1 star
45% (39)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Philippe Meyralbe
fr Extension qui était parfaite mais qui ne fonctionne plus depuis quelques jours. Impossible de se connecter à un serveur distant. Pouvez-vous corriger svp ?
Kodjovi D. Mlaga
en can the "finishing ssh2 session failed" problem be solved? that would make the application perfect! can't understand where the problem is coming from and how I can solve it. please help!
Max Knutson
en Doesn't Work. Using ChromeOS on a HP 14a 0022od chromebook. Refuses to connect. Tried my HTTP server AND FTP server. Neither worked. Tried those same servers in my web browser and connects immediately.
Klaus Forster (Vitality4Happiness)
en cannot connect ftp on CloudReady with this app
D P (Check)
de Keine Verbindung. finishing ssh2 session failed.... Alles versucht
Sean Chomba
en Seems credible first hand. We'll see as time goes on.
en OK for normal folders, but doesn't work at all for any symbolic links on the remote folder.
en Please help me, im trying to connect my 2DS(homebrew) on CloudReady, This happend on my 2DS : 220 Hello ! SHH-2.0-libssh2_1.4.3 Invalid Command PLEASE HELP ME I WANT MY Mario Kart 7 MOD!
Liam Riley
en I have used this app for a while now and it has worked fine, but lately it has started to freeze and I now get system notifications every couple of minutes telling me this.
Scott Brim
en Apparently it does not support modern key exchange methods. See and
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