BriskNote: New Tab Notes that Sync across Devices

Take notes on any new browser tab and sync them with your phone

Total ratings

3.67 (Rating count: 3)
See reviews for BriskNote: New Tab Notes that Sync across Devices on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.67
All time rating average: 3.67

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33% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Just “nowhere” me
en collects lots of personal data & does not say which country or regime has access to the data as many regimes have laws that they have access to all data by all companies & their own governmental companies too. uninstalled. say which territory & regime is this based at please?
Yuliyan Vulchev
en I have been using it for about a week now and it works really well!!! Already recommended to one of my colleges. Dark mode is really nice. Sync across devices seems to work as well. Maybe somewhere in the future, it would be great to be able to insert checkboxes inside a note and maybe manually drag notes to rearrange notes(disable the last modified note to be on top) But still awesome extension!
Stanislav Dimitrov
en Switched from New Tab Draft and I can say that I'm really happy with BriskNote. Eagerly waiting for the dark mode that is coming to BriskNote.