Records actions made in the AWS Management Console and outputs the equivalent CLI/SDK commands and CloudFormation template.
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Review summary
- Saves a huge amount of time for users struggling with AWS code snippets.
- Provides a decent skeleton for AWS API calls.
- Highly praised for its implementation and overall concept.
- Excellent support from the developer, Ian McKay.
- Automatically generates CloudFormation templates, Python, and Terraform code.
- Not fully functional for every API call.
- Some reported issues with specific functionalities (e.g., DocumentDB in Terraform).
- Compatibility issues noted with certain Chrome versions.
Most mentioned
- The tool is amazing and a must-have for AWS professionals.
- The extension does not always produce perfect code, but it is very helpful.
- Ian McKay's support and responsiveness are highly appreciated.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User
reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
User reviews
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Date | Author | Rating | Lang | Comment |
2022-11-04 | en | If you are struggling with writing the exact right boto3 or AWS CLI or JavaScript code snippets, this tool saves you a huge amount of time. Not only is it a really smart and clever idea but its implementation is awesome. It doesn't work for every single API call but it works enough to give you a decent skeleton. Great job! | ||
2021-08-19 | en | I'm sorry, but this extension is not working on Google Chrome Version 92.0.4515.159 (Official Build) (x86_64) on BigSur | ||
2020-09-21 | en | WOW! This Extension should be mentioned on all AWS courses out there! This tool is amazing!!! Disclaimer Do not expect 100% perfect code. But this extension takes a lot of general things out of Your shoulder. | ||
2020-03-27 | en | Amazing. Simply Amazing. AWS should have built this themselves. Thank You! | ||
2020-02-13 | en | Fantastic tool! Ian Mckay is a certified genius. This extension shows you exactly which underlying APIs are being called as you use the AWS console. Five massive stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | ||
2019-09-17 | en | absolutely amazing and a big time saver. Must have it for any AWS professional. | ||
2019-07-22 | en | Not fully functional. Tried to record creating a DocumentDB instance and nothing was recorded in Terraform. | ||
2019-01-19 | en | What a great Tool! Ian McKay has provided a solution that has been needed for a very long time. How many times do you find yourself starting from scratch on a CloudFormation Template or even searching for something that is close to your needs (but not quite), then trying to make the required modifications. Console Recorder gives you an incredible start. Maybe you are new to CloudFormation and really need that extra assistance. Or maybe you know CloudFormation and want to learn Terraform. This is the tool for you. And probably one of the best aspects is the support Ian gives this tooling. He is more that happy to answer questions or take enhancement ideas. We had a meetup meeting on Console Recorder in the US, and Ian gracially got on a call with us for Q&A... how many devlopers would ever do that? | ||
2019-01-05 | en | Absolutely awesome! Does everything I need it to do almost perfectly. This extension saves an extremely large amount of time, automatically producing Cloudformation templates, Python, AWS CLI, Terraform.... So far, I have been using the automatically generated Cloudformation templates and Python code as a starting point, drastically accelerating my scripting process. Found this via Corey Quinn. 100% recommended for all AWS admins, Devops, etc. | ||
2019-01-02 | en | Awesome! 2 clicks and it works! I found this tool in LastWeekinAWS and I fully agree with Corey's "review": "If you build something in the AWS web console, and then want to control it with CloudFormation, AWS cheerfully tells you to throw away what you've built and to start over. Ian McKay wasn't content with this, so spent a few months of his spare time building AWS Console Recorder--a browser extension that looks at what you're doing in the console, then turns it into CloudFormation, Boto code, Terraform, etc. On the one hand, this is magnificent. On the other, what the heck has the console team been doing for the past decade of this feature request topping wishlists worldwide?! Ian took it upon himself to fix the problem himself, embracing the Amazon Leadership Principle of "Disagree in Commits." AWS: Please hire him and give him a team immediately." |