LockDown Browser

LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the exam environment within specific learning and assessment systems.

Total ratings

1.16 (Rating count: 933)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Does not work consistently (50% functionality)
    • Requires users to close all tabs before use
    • Causes loss of data, including browser history and shortcuts
    • Sometimes leads to blank screens and errors when starting quizzes
    • Invasive access to system, causing fear of privacy breaches
    Most mentioned
    • It often fails to work correctly, leading to frustrated users
    • The requirement to close all tabs is poorly received
    • The extension causes loss of important data
    • Its functional reliability is significantly questioned
    See reviews for LockDown Browser on Chrome Web Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.40
    All time rating average: 1.16
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    Rating filters

    5 star
    5% (16)
    4 star
    1% (4)
    3 star
    1% (4)
    2 star
    1% (5)
    1 star
    92% (320)
    Date Author Rating Lang Comment
    Courtney Thomas
    en I was having a hard time loading this browser as well, I restarted my computer and it worked for me give it a try to those still having issues.
    Travis Kliem
    en 1 star I dont enjoy this extension
    Jadyn Fernandez
    en the worst app for locking down students it doesn't work more than half of the time and causes unneeded stress NO ONE SHOULD USE THIS APP!!!
    Mae Hanks
    en Seriously does it HAVE to force delete all your data??
    James Young
    en 0/5 cant do anything
    en Ideally 0. You cannot do anything with this while in incognito mode yet you need to clear stuff. It has not worked because my college IT help desk suddenly know nothing about it. The brilliant guys who are able to work it are suddenly unavailable.
    Jordan Patterson
    en hello big brother :3
    en Invasion of sensitive data
    Nicholas Sheahan
    en This has got to be the worst thing ever. It absolutely sucks and I hate it.
    Belh Blarg
    en this is downright malware, it force closes all tabs and locks you out of using your keyboard most of the time
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