
uText is an cloud based ebook delivery platform designed for the Student Community. Its built to allow Institutions to publish…

Total ratings

1.90 (Rating count: 41)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • App is not user-friendly
    • Books downloaded often have missing content or empty pages
    • Very slow upload and download times
    • Difficult to navigate the app
    • Requires frequent sign-ins to access downloaded e-books
    Most mentioned
    • Empty contents after downloading
    • Slow performance
    • Frustration with user interface
    • Difficulty accessing e-books after logging out
    • Problems with missing chapters in downloaded books
    See reviews for uText on Chrome Web Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.80
    All time rating average: 1.90
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    Rating filters

    5 star
    4% (1)
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    4% (1)
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    13% (3)
    1 star
    74% (17)
    Date Author Rating Lang Comment
    akanksha mishra
    en I request assam don bosco to share PDFs of book its not a gold mine resource to hide behind the shittiest app mankind ever made.
    Bolaji Akerele
    en I don't see any content when I download materials.
    BEBEY JOCKY Jean - Jacques
    en The empty contents , any problem with the requirements
    Mwamba Kapambwe
    en After downloading book, it only has first page and the rest of it is blank.
    Rishi Sinha
    en The contents are coming all empty
    Reem Abu-khairan
    en very slow
    OBALA Emmanuel Rochereau
    en Very much okay; issues accessing on my Samsung Tab
    en It is too slow to upload even on a very good computer.Sometimes reloading this app from the Google store takes alot of time. This app affects valuable time that could be spent on studies. Since my efforts to read this app after trying so hard to get this app going it has been obnoxiously,unfriendly to me and I believe that I am not the only one facing the same problem,it has gotten from bad to worse app,the app is an embarassment.
    Ratanshi Gohil
    en After sucessfull download, book doesnt have any chapters. it just has first page.
    Sudhish Mangalasary
    en after download is successful, i don't the see the ebook. Where does it download?
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