BrowserStack Accessibility Toolkit

Web Accessibility Testing Tool for WCAG & ADA compliance - Empowering Developers and Testers to find and fix accessibility issues.

Total ratings

4.76 (Rating count: 62)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface
  • Comprehensive testing tools
  • Continuous scanning feature
  • Real screen reader access
  • Efficient workflow scanner
  • Requires account creation for use
  • Some users report it does not work
  • Perceived as expensive by some
Most mentioned
  • Comprehensive accessibility testing
  • User-friendly design and interface
  • Continuous scanning feature
  • Workflow Scanner efficiency
  • Real screen reader support
See reviews for BrowserStack Accessibility Toolkit on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.76
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Rating filters

5 star
88% (43)
4 star
6% (3)
3 star
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1 star
6% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Mitesh Shah
en Amazing and very helpful, and getting report extract a bonus.
Moin Bhokare
en Great and very usefully application.
Kirke Poldsamm
en Does not work!
Sivakumar Sivasankaran
en Offers a user-friendly interface that is clean and provides all the essential information needed to quickly identify and resolve accessibility issues.
Zeeshan Nevrekar
en Continuous scanning is a gift.
Rohit Nair
en Seamless design, quick to load and easy to use tool for accessibility testing
Gavin Boyle
en need to create an account to use
Joris van de Ven
en Very useful and easy-to-use tool for detecting problems in accessibility. I would say a comprehensive tool for these matters!
Saurabh Modh
en The Chrome accessibility toolkit extension is user-friendly and enhances web accessibility effectively.
root user
en This extension is a game-changer for web accessibility testing! Its intuitive interface makes it a breeze to use, and the comprehensive testing ensures no stone is left unturned. Real screen reader access provides invaluable insights, and the debug features make fixing issues a snap. The clear classification of problems streamlines the entire accessibility improvement process.
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