Simple Paint

Simple yet powerful drawing tool and image editor for ChromeOS with no ads and stylus support.

Total ratings

3.18 (Rating count: 22)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great basic features
  • Good for simple tasks
  • Underrated
  • Lacks advanced tools like bucket, circle or square
  • Layers system is confusing and lacks control
  • Presence of bugs and glitches that hinder performance
  • Limited color picker
  • Delay in brushes and erasers
Most mentioned
  • Need for advanced tools like bucket, circle or square tool
  • Issues with layers system
  • Bugs and glitches
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 3.18
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en Very great i really like it but could you make a circle tool and a bucket tool please and a text option
kera dixon
en hellp I dont want to give a bad revew but how tf do you move left to right help-
Kay Z
en The way the layers work definitely needs to be fixed up. Please provide the option to organize layers in whatever the artist would like to and include opacity settings for layers. The option to hide and show layers, which would be useful. In my opinion, I find the color picker to be rather frustrating. Upon selecting a color, you end up with a color that's several shades lighter that the one you wanted to use. That should definitely be fixed. I hope that this app with be updated soon with new features and its bugs fixed.
Clothilde Jobin
fr ya rien qui marche
Ruben Gutierrez (Ruchiyoto)
en It's okay. Although, it could use some improvements like the brushes and erasers have a delay, this feels like a glitch to me.
Ruby King
en Needs a bucket tool and sometimes a little confusing, but good
Juliette M
en This app is absolutely horrible. I ran into at least 5 bugs in just a few minutes of using it. It's laggy, the whole layer system makes no sense, I tried naming a layer and it said that it couldn't read it, and when I tried to zoom in, I could only fix in on one spot, I couldn't move around. I understand art apps, I'm not just some random, dumb 10-year-old that has no idea what they're talking about. There is a LOT that could be done to benefit this app, like a bucket tool, less lag, more brush options, less glitching, a nicer outlay, and so much more. I only used this app for a couple minutes and already hate it. I googled how to use it, I tried for a while to figure it out, but nothing worked, it's just overall awful.
en pretty underrated but needs some more features
Gatlin Morgan
en I feel that if you forget to add a layer before hand you should be able to move the layers around, and it needs a bucket tool.
Rampant Buckler
en This app is great but it should have a few more things like a bucket tool, Square tool, Circle tool. also, I ran into a problem where i couldnt add more layers
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