Tab Tree

Tree view for your browser tabs

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4.60 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Tab Tree on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.60

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Artemi Lebedev
en There is no grouping by windows (all tabs in one list) and sometimes it does not switch to a tab, but this is most likely not problem of extension
b vv
zh 垂直标签平替,树状图也感觉非常不错!
way pi
en prefer focusing current window
Geo Mealer
en Great extension! It's effortless and does precisely what it claims: it gives you a dropdown list of all your tabs, organized in a tree according to the site that launched each tab. Each entry has a close button; closing a site closes up all the links it launched. This covers 90% of what I needed from Tree Style Tabs.