Reviews of Clear Cache

List of user reviews and ratings for Clear Cache

Total ratings

4.33 (Rating count: 33)

Review summary

  • Works flawlessly for clearing all cache
  • Useful for developers, especially front-end developers
  • Clears cache without affecting passwords or browsing history
  • Option menu is not accessible
  • Lacks detailed cache clearing options
  • Some users experience difficulty with it not working properly
Most mentioned
  • Clears cache effectively
  • Ease of use
  • Potential to improve by auto-refreshing page after clearing
  • Does not clear sessionStorage and localStorage
  • Has some initial difficulty or need for browser restart on first use
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.33
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Rating filters

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15% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Josh *thegadget* Hymer
en I have been using this extension for literally 11ish years. Has worked flawlessly, installed on over 1200 chromebooks, on everything chrome... perfect every time clearing ALL the cache! Thank you so much!!
en Option menu is not accessible. Clear only cache without more details. Not the best.
Stefan Melestean
ru Уже 2 года использую. Крутая штука.
ru То что нужно!
Govind Patil
en Great tool for quick cache clearing without much of a selection. This is very useful for developers and mostly for front end web developers. Instant and seamless.
Сергей Кореневский
ru Кэш всех сайтов удаляется или только текущего? . Сделайте настройку чтобы можно было при клике на плагин очищался кеш, но и одновременно перезагружалась текущая страница после очистки.
Stacy Horton
en I think I installed this extension in about 2012 and I use it constantly, just never got around to reviewing it. My recommended cache-clearing extension for developers and testers.
Mdbook Gaming
en Awesome app! Just clears cache, not passwords or browsing history, unlike most other extensions, which clear all browsing history.
Иван М
ru заебись! пацаны ваще ребята
Peeter Aleksander Randla
en Hm... It didn't work for me (Chrome 42.something, win7), even if I closed the browser and re-opened it. If it would work then I would gladly use it.
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