SkipTo Landmarks & Headings

Provides keyboard access to landmark regions and headings (h1–h6) on a web page.

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5.00 (Rating count: 2)
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All time rating average: 5.00

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Jim Allan
en This is a great extension. Useful for keyboard only users. It provides an outline view of the current page and allows navigation through the outline. Select a heading, hit enter, the page focus moves to the heading. The heading has a box around it so you know exactly the focus is. And, if you hit tab the next link after your selected heading gets focus!! This functionality really should be in every browser as per the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 2.5.1.
Jon Gunderson
en An important browser extension for people with disabilities to provide keyboard navigation to landmark regions and the headings (H1-H6) on a web page. Skip To makes it more efficient for people who primarily use the keyboard to identify and navigate to the content of a web page. Skip To also helps everyone get an outline of the major sections and topics of a well structured web page without having to scroll through an entire page. The Skip To extension is a ideally a feature that should be built into every web browser, but at least now you can extend your browser to add this feature with this extension. Thanks Nick for making this available.