Guilty Crown 15 - 1920x1080

This is the Guilty Crown Anime theme Optimized For Google Chrome the theme will not be fully displayed on screens smaller than the…

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4.58 (Rating count: 12)
See reviews for Guilty Crown 15 - 1920x1080 on Chrome Web Store

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Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.58

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ZaCloud StriFair
en This is very cool. I love how it crackles through the toolbar with the various colors, yet is still cohesive. :) It must have been tough to find text colors that would be readable against that background, but you did well. I also appreciate that it's pretty easy to tell which tab is active (white text) and which ones are background (light blue). And the image itself is awesome, even though it doesn't line up properly with the toolbar section (I even have the correct resolution, strange). My only negative opinions are: 1, the garish orange notification bar clashes badly with the cool purple/pink toolbar. It would be nicer if it was somewhere in the same color family instead. And 2, it's probably not your fault, but Chrome now has it so there's white, borderless "Google" text above the search bar in the New Tab window... and since it juts into a white part of your background, it now looks like it says "Goo". XD Yeah, I dunno what the Chrome devs are thinking, making it harder for theme creators like you, they should put a border or allow us to switch between view styles, ugh! So then the only legitimate complaint is to change the orange notification bars to a pink or purple (with an according change to the text within to white or black, or whatever might work), then it'd be perfect. :)
Guillermo García
es esta genial