
Create and sell online courses on your own site

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5.00 (Rating count: 8)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00

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Lamar Morgan
en I am very impressed with Thinkific. Unlike some of its competition, it does not try to create and own your marketplace. Instead, it empowers you to create, own and build your marketplace. I do not want to be "owned," but I do want to be LIFTED UP and made strong. And, that is why I like Thinkific. I see it as a win-win arrangement.
A Google user
en This software makes it possible to launch courses on your site in minutes, and all the technology/ecommerce/etc. is handled. Can't say enough good about it! Full disclosure: I work with Thinkific (and recommend it to every expert, author, and speaker that I know!)
The Jerk
en Thinkific allows me to create and launch online courses from my own site using everything from eBooks/PDFs to video, audio, and other content I already have. Short story, it's awesome, and saves me a tonne of work. I don't have to fight with multiple other apps/plugins/etc. to accomplish the same thing. Definitely recommend!