Number Pieces, by The Math Learning Center

Visualize and understand number values and relationships

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4.29 (Rating count: 7)
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Recent rating average: 3.33
All time rating average: 4.29

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Derek Stiles
en This is a TERRIBLE way to teach kids (or anyone) math! It's simply a thought exercise, and offers NO realistic "learning". This system ONLY works if the individual "learning" has either a computer/tablet, or physical geometrical pieces to use as representation. (ie: pieces that represent 100's, 10's and 1's) More importantly this method completely ignores the common (easier) method of "Stacking Addition & Subtraction Expressions" along with the few rules required... (ie: 1. Stacking the decimal points so the ...100's, 10's, 1's . 10ths, 100ths... digits are all aligned. 2. When stacking subtractions, place the larger number on top of the equation, as to take the smaller lower digits away from the higher upper digits. 3. etc.) Not to mention, the "Stacked Expressions" method can be completed with a simple pencil and piece of paper, no drawing required! While this "Number Pieces" method seems like it's designed to hinder a kids learning development, because all this actually (barely) archives is a visual representation of what the math equation "could" look like if physical, only in a way that an individual (especially a kid) would NEVER actually experience, or use in reality. Plus... It doesn't even teach ANY realistic method of solving a mathematical equation! I suppose kids could draw out this "Number Pieces" method to solve a math problem!? Sadly, I have already seen an elementary school kid attempt just that, with this method, or one similar... The problem was addition (something simple like 12+34) and it took them several minutes to complete. He spoke the correct work out load while drawing shapes "representing" 10's and 1's and it required a huge amount of the page! Yes... That's right, he had to DRAW a whole bunch of circles, and there were long lines for some reason, just to get the answer! All because HE DIDN'T KNOW OTHER METHODS TO ANSWER MATH PROBLEMS! (The kids mother answered the equation the normal way in 1 min, (really 5 sec) explaining the steps to her son, but he claimed with protest, "My teacher said this way is more fun, so I like this way better"!) It's almost like this stupid method and modern teachers purpose is to teach kids WHAT TO THINK, instead of HOW TO THINK, especially not PROPER METHODS TO LEARN! SIMPLE RULES + EASY PROCESS = SMARTER KIDS!
Ning Cao
en good
Gary Jones
en Wonderful app for manipulative-replacement. Blocks can be distracting, loud and messy. This app makes great use of our digital realm and is very simple to use for almost any grade level.