FlyOrDie Go

Worldwide Go server. Play against others over the Internet.

Total ratings

3.09 (Rating count: 80)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works fine on Chrome for some users.
  • Ability to play Go with diverse people around the world.
  • Good gaming experience for advanced players.
  • Requires Java, which is not supported on Chrome OS by default.
  • No beginner section or instructions available.
  • Registration required to play, which some users find inconvenient.
  • Limited user interface and customization options.
  • Reported issues with antivirus blocking the app.
Most mentioned
  • Requires Java
  • Doesn't work on Chrome for some users
  • Need for a beginner section
  • Registration requirement
  • UI improvements needed
See reviews for FlyOrDie Go on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.09
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Rating filters

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43% (10)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Little Coconut
th เล่นไม่ได้ เสียดาย
Adeilda Gouvea
en Show
Acl Grafix
en cant really give this a higher rating since there isn't a section for beginners like myself to learn how to play before facing opponents also to all those saying that it doesn't work on chrome, that's a lie, it plays fine for me, maybe you just don't have the java plugin downloaded
Hr Tien
zh 需要安裝java客戶端
Jordan Edmondson
en You need Java to run it and Chrome doesn't support Java
Alma VD
is Bra svart vit ej i brit Alma palma lingon sylt rimla dimla blima rit påta såta limta timta sila dila mila
حيدر الحمادي
en good
OX 7
ms goood
Paul Taylor
en Why is this even offered at the chrome store if it doesn't work on chrome!?
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