elementary OS 0.3 Freya Chrome Theme

A theme designed to make Chrome look like it belongs in elementary OS 0.3 Freya.

Total ratings

4.61 (Rating count: 85)
See reviews for elementary OS 0.3 Freya Chrome Theme on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.61
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66% (21)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Aboud Zakarya
en too dark
Rumman Zaman
en Amazing theme for chrome. Best elementary OS chrome experience.
Ronnie Bobsobol
en The inactive window is a little dark, and possibly a little blue, but when active, it absolutely blends in with either Elementary Freya or Loki. (I run both, on different machines)
Kian “Buji” Nielsen
en color shading is way off in my taste - why keep a colour-border when you it doesn't add to the elementary simplicity?
Joshua Griffith
en Don't suppose you fancy updating this for the latest release? It's all gone flat and the bar looks odd.
Ryan Haskell-Glatz
en doesnt match top bar
Renan Scaliante
pt Integrou legal. Mas o chrome e muito feio de qualquer jeito. Com tema ou sem tema.
Clove Juranovich
en While it fits elementary os, it only seems to do so when chrome is not the active window.
Caleb Eby
en The colors didn't quite match up for me
Andi Yuni Wiranto
en Looks nice and match with elementary environment.
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