Copy Text Easily

A simple and hassle free way to copy text, paragraphs, sentences and custom selections in browser.

Total ratings

4.28 (Rating count: 58)

Review summary

  • Easy to use for copying text
  • Works well for copying paragraphs and sentences
  • Does not cause browser slowdown
  • Perfect for specific projects without issues
  • Saves time when copying text
  • Does not work on certain websites
  • Some users reported it doesn't function at all
  • Issues with formatting when pasted (no spaces between words)
  • New updates causing functionality issues
  • Lacks keyboard shortcut flexibility
Most mentioned
  • Does not work on Mac Chrome
  • Working smoothly on Brave
  • Inability to copy sections of text without extra steps
  • Requirement for more formatting options
  • Desire for keyboard shortcuts for custom selection
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Copy Text Easily on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.28
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Rating filters

5 star
72% (42)
4 star
5% (3)
3 star
7% (4)
2 star
9% (5)
1 star
7% (4)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Vivian Uwa
en It doesn't work
en yea bro. its super EASY. for the basically, only mark every you want and it will do "automatic copy". paste it like a normal
Gustavo Rosas
pt Era exatamente o que eu estava precisando. Obrigado!
Peacefull life
en very good extension .so useful. better if copy with formatting also. like text color, size etc.
Tomi Oluwadare
en This extension is the perfect fit for my project. It works seamlessly and doesn't cause any issue for my browser. You just have to choose if you want it to copy per paragraph or per sentence and that is all. Also, very easy to use.
Nước Trà Xanh
en thank you so much, but can you separate paragraphs with words. I mean when I want to copy just 5 words in a sentence, app auto copy it as a paragraph with full sentences. please use short keys to adjust it. for example : ctrl + shilt => copy paragraphs , normal is copy word by word. Please add short key. Thanks again for your good app.
Abba Bello Kanwa
en Tried it, but not working on the Mac Chrome
J Jets
en It is perfect for what I wanted. I was going to write this myself but saw that I didn't need to. Thank you so much. 5 stars all the way! Using in Brave without a single issue.
en Works smoothly!
en so cool.
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