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Extension summary
GitHub: https://github.com/amazedkoumei/chrome-ext-my-hatebu-search-in-google
2012.05.03 v0.1.1 新規公開 2012.08.05 v0.1.2 bugfix 2013.05.31 v0.1.3 popup 内のリンク先をマイホットエントリからマイブックマークに変更。WebAppStore 内の description を変更。 2014.12.11 v0.1.4 左記エラーの対応「Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive」
Extension safety
Risk impact
My はてブ Search requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
My はてブ Search may not be trust-worthy. Avoid installing if possible unless you really trust this publisher.
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