Desktop Wallpaper Landscape painting Landscap

Desktop Wallpaper Landscape painting Landscape Fantasy Image Fantastic art Art Landscape photography Image resolution 1080p…

Total ratings

3.22 (Rating count: 9)
See reviews for Desktop Wallpaper Landscape painting Landscap on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 3.22

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40% (2)
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60% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Audrey Chen
en Only downloaded it to continue the trend of reviewing every year, but now i can't undownload it so yeahhhh
Juniper Rodley
en I didn't like the theme, but I could pass by without reviewing it like this if it allowed me to uninstall it! As it stands, it's impossible to get rid of this theme on my computer.
Нико Где?
ru Что тут хорошего? Ужасного качества арт, и оформление браузера не сочетается с ним ВООБЩЕ
Sidrah Aslam
en If only there were more than 5 stars....
Rukmini Valle
en Awesome!