Green By RB Themes

Green By RB Themes

Total ratings

4.03 (Rating count: 69)
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Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.03
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
joshua grey
en So beautiful and sits perfectly throughout my screen
Steve S
en 5 Stars, goes well with my other green themed software also love the image on the main page.. thank you.
Yana Kiryushina
en too small picture, but the idea and colors are awsome.
en Not full image. Causes white bar on the right. However, the color palette is a kind of cozy.
Illonka Illonka
ru Очень приятный, спокойный цвет фона и такие живые капли росы! Здорово! Спасибо!
Betty Vera
en This theme is beautiful and represents what I would like to experience when opening my Chrome page. What I want to know is, why has Chrome begun deleting it from my page on a DAILY basis? There are so few good themes to choose from, but this is definitely a wonderful one. Most are trashy and very commercial. This has definite aesthetic appeal. Kudos to RB for making it available!
Ice Apitsada
en Too small for my screen and wasn't set up properly to align
en I like the color scheme. Most of the green themes are too bright or too pastel. The main image that only appears on the blank pages does not stretch or repeat so is just blank on the right side.
Darío Germán Ganem
es Sencillo, vistoso y de buena elección de color.
Sativa Gummi
en Perfect!
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