Spiderman Splat

Res 1366x768 user requested theme.

Total ratings

3.43 (Rating count: 68)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 3.43
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5 star
39% (7)
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17% (3)
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17% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Joey Cicciarella
en very cool but doesn't fit my screen have a big white line on the right side of my screen which makes this cool theme look really ugly if this is fixed i'd love to use it
Will Peters
en Doesn't fit the screen
Sophia Pons
en Picture fits, good quality, love the red
en The Minimize and Decrease tab buttons are gone! The art is beautiful but this problem made me choose another!
Silva Sandoval Dax Marcos
es El tema esta bien, ya sean las ventanas y la imagen. El problema es que no hay colores que resalten los botones de cerrar ventana, minimizar y ocultar. Además que en nueva pestaña no se notan las letras de la cuenta de chrome.
Eric “Master11”
es Es muy bueno este tema les doy 5 estrellas
Miguel Donaji Ramírez Cruz
es esta muy bien :3
Preyom Choudhury
en Amazing background, and covers full screen
Benjamin Hogan
en THe picture is awesome but it only covered 4/5 of my screen
Jorani Scarlet
en Amazing *w*
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