ONE UP Accounting & Invoicing

ONE UP is the ONE-STOP app for running your business. All-in-one invoicing, accounting, inventory, CRM and expenses.

Total ratings

4.07 (Rating count: 27)
See reviews for ONE UP Accounting & Invoicing on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.07

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Rina Baxter
en honestly all this is a poor pirated copy of a great product that maybe people already know that exist. Personally myself being an owner of sites all I can say is you get what you pay for right? Yes its nice that on google many items are free. But if you going to grumble over 10.00 which in this case I agree belongs in the toilet I got my 50% for Quickbooks Online for 6 months and unfortunately have to pay full price. YES 36.00 and no you can not get the same as QBO for free. Think of it this way clunker or a ferrari.... unfortunately this is a one down compared to the real thing
Dungeon Master
en I went with the full 30 day trial. I would recommend it for anyone with a business more complex than mine (1 employee = me, and fairly simple outputs). However, I did not purchase.
teeshirt minute (
en Powerful software for small business , one up has helped us in our work be operational daily stock sales prospecting ...
A Google user
en Not a free version really
candice buckland
en its only a 30 day trial and i am not interested in paying monthly when i can get one that does the same thing for free
Scott Hussey
en It says it's free, but that's only a 30 day trial.
Steve Holmes
en Brilliant for any small business. More than enough features for the novice and expert alike.