Gif Tower Defense

Fight against animated gifs in this tower defense game developed in HTML5.

Total ratings

2.35 (Rating count: 40)
See reviews for Gif Tower Defense on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.75
All time rating average: 2.35

Rating filters

5 star
13% (1)
4 star
3 star
13% (1)
2 star
1 star
75% (6)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Mark Boswell
en would give it five star's. as they have taken Create your own levels of the game it no longer works well
Connor Peckham
en it just straightup admits that the enemies are just gifs off the internet, and it was made in the easiest way possible. Low effort to make a game signals a bad game. Don't use this.
Kennard none of your buisness
en I can't even watch the video of how to play because of OpenDNS, how do I get rid of it?
Levi Umstead
en gust stupid!!!
en doesnt work
Norm Harding
en K, stupid game, stupid controls, well, just plain stupid! There is no way for a beginner to see where to start and the controls are not easy to find! Too many adds as well. STUPID!!
kk hh
de gutes spiel :)
A Google user
en couldn't figure out how to play...