Archive Downloader

This extension helps you to download multiple files from collections

Total ratings

3.55 (Rating count: 22)
See reviews for Archive Downloader on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 3.55
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5 star
44% (8)
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28% (5)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
2021-04-26 Derek Farn Can't not download. Only show empty download format.
2021-04-06 Laurel Sporter Practically useless. It requires you to select file types, but only tries to show a handful of them, which don't include the file types that make up the content of may collections, like zip.
Johnny Sun
Thank you
2020-12-28 Adrien DESPLANQUES Does not seem to list zip files. It proposes me to download picture files only...
Erik McCartney
Worked very well on a collection of 680 PDF files. Allows you to choose which file types to download based on what's available. Just ensure the files are going where you want them to, and uncheck "Ask each time before downloading"
2020-10-12 Naveen Garla Could download 148 very old books with a single click. Great work. Thanks to the developer(s).
Surita Mantinubra
Excellent - does the job
1 1
Nagyon jó
Boris Piwowarsky
Does not download bigger collections and seems to be limited to a max of 750 items. The rest of a bigger collection will just be missing.
ITF Individual Tuning
works not
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