Youtube Playlist Info

Add information under youtube video to know if the video is playlisted in your Youtube account

Youtube Playlist Info

Extension stats

By: p.guedon
Users: 127
Rating: 2.00
Version: 1.0.5 (Last updated: 2013-03-29)
Creation date: 2013-03-29
Manifest version: 2
  • tabs
Size: 149.50K
Price: Free

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

If you manage a lot of playlist in your Youtube account, this extension improve your user experience. You can easily see if a video is already playlisted in your account. It works for vidoe with a similar name too. In that way, it avoids duplicated items in your playlists and help you to have a cleaner collection of videos.

Bug correction:

  • youtube api request optimized, faster user interface
  • infortmation wasn't updated when the tab wasn't selected

Next feature:

  • move a video from a playlist to another when you watch a video or inside the youtube video manager

User reviews

Unfortunately this addon doesn't work properly at the moment of 2020 year. I was hoping this addon would be very useful for my youtube "massives"
by Henry Zott, 2020-09-10

04/08/17 Doesn't connect? 17/05/18 Are there any other similar extensions that work?
by P West, 2018-05-17

by MRNIKUSHA101, 2015-07-17
View all user reviews

Extension safety

Risk impact

Youtube Playlist Info requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.

Risk impact analysis details
  • Critical Grants access to browser tabs, which can be used to track user browsing habits and history, presenting a privacy concern.
  • Critical ******* ****** ** *** ********* ******** ************ **********
  • High ******* ******* **** *** ****** ***** *** ***** ** ******* **** ********* ********* ** * *********** *****
Risk likelihood

We don't have sufficient data to confidently determine the risk likelihood of Youtube Playlist Info. Use it at your own risk.

Risk likelihood analysis details
  • Critical This extension is not longer available in the store
Upgrade to see full risk analysis details

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