Freecell Solitiare

This is a collection of Freecell Solitaire card games. The main game has some modifications from traditional Freecell that…

Total ratings

4.60 (Rating count: 705)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Engaging and fun gameplay
  • Ability to move columns without restriction
  • Good pace and fast-moving game
  • Enjoyable on touchscreen devices
  • Variety of winning hands
  • Delay in moving cards leading to frustration
  • Some users prefer traditional solitaire rules
  • Oversaturation of solitaire games on the internet
Most mentioned
  • Love for the game
  • Enjoyment of the unique features
  • Positive experiences on different devices
See reviews for Freecell Solitiare on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.60
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Kitte Knudsen
da Dejlig og spændene tidsfordriv. Tiden bliver aldrig lang, når man tager et eller flere spil kort eller lægger en kabale. Tak for det. Kitte Knudsen
Flemming Thomsen
Nat Mak
en Enjoyed this version of the game....good value and had me challenging myself :)
Jerry Mings
en Seems slow, but that might be a new-to-me Chromebook and a busy WiFi
Robert Mcintosh (Bob)
en I love this game and play it all the time thank you.
Grover Holtzlcaw
en This is a fun, fast moving version of this game that I enjoy playing.
Dave Hutcheson
en game moves at a good clip for me and allows some moves others don't. those other games make it impossible to actually win.
Yvonne Symons
en Very enjoyable.
David Livingstone
en good game to play
Art Frost
en I like the game.
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