A Dark Theme That Doesn't Suck

I couldn't find a dark theme that I actually liked, so I made this one. Only for those who want something that's really dark.

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4.28 (Rating count: 18)
See reviews for A Dark Theme That Doesn't Suck on Chrome Web Store

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Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.28

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Straight Confusion
en you lied
Norbert Brzostowski
en i like it. Its what i was looking for BUT WHY THERE'S THIS WHITE LINE UNDER TAB i cant use it,
en cool.
The Darkest Smurf
en I need to really get close to my screen to identify the active tab, because the colours are too similar. And that, my friend, sucks.
Cédi Spinnler
en the best dark theme, thanks!
Jean-Vincent Yann Upper Toole
en I struggled to see the separation between tabs and also the skin and URL bar colour is too similar... it kinda sucked
Roman Mikhalyevych
en How can this be a DARK theme if the address bar is still so white that I can read in front of the monitor and it totally blinds you with its whiteness? :/ If you can't make it black, could try some % of grey at least.
Terence Lee
en Finally found a dark theme that is truly dark and not off black
Jay Kyu
en haha this really is a dark theme that doesn't suck! xD thanks for not bamboozling me
Adam Frantz (Felix Atter)
en clean, easy to read links, in a dark theme, with no crazy color touches.... perfect