History Game 3D

History Game 3D

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3.13 (Rating count: 8)
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Recent rating average: 2.25
All time rating average: 3.13

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Graham Leader
en Before I played this game I was a atheist, but after I realized that if there is a really religion then it is Buddism because if the Muslims, the Jews, and the Christians believe in the same idea of monotheism then they are all stupid. And I will quote Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" like this game does not do this to me
Norm Harding
en So I figured that I can move the character of the game around to any spot on the map and knock everything down. Why? What purpose in teaching does this have? I saw the writings and read them thinking they were clues to something. Nope. Once again Christian games are a fail! Sad.
Michael Gill
en Is it just me or this app does nothing. Not sure what is going on. I was excited because church history is one of favorite studies.
A Google user
en Well, it loaded but there were no instructions on what to do and it wasn't intuitive. At this point, I can't figure out what to do. Pity since I love church history.