Studio clock

Displays studio-grade digital clock. Adjustable colors. Optional radio-like chiming every full-, half- and quarter-hour. Offline…

Total ratings

4.53 (Rating count: 15)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Stylish and visually pleasing design
  • Perfect for syncing with hardware clocks
  • Great for backtiming and studio use
  • User-friendly compared to tab clocks
  • Lightweight and functional app
  • Difficult to locate menu buttons
  • The white bar at the top spoils the view
  • No options for color changing or RGB features
  • Lacks alarm settings
  • Need for 12h/24h clock options
Most mentioned
  • Request for updates to work with modern Chrome
  • Positive feedback on app's functionality
  • Desire for additional sound options
  • App's compatibility with studio hardware
  • Praises for its stylish aesthetic
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.53
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Rating filters

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55% (6)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jon Milligan
en This is brilliant, please bring it back to life so it works with modern versions of Chrome. I have kept an old machine running retro Chrome just to keep this working! 👌
Michael Scott
en Any chance of updating before Chrome drops this?
Christopher Williams
en Excellent, I think perfect for backtiming. I am going to install this in my studios and see how the jocks react.
Les films DU CHAHUT (Les Films du Chahut)
fr Genial. Merci beaucoup
Joe Tedd
en Exactly what I was looking for to compliment the hardware versions of these clocks I've got in my studio, so now I can keep this on screen when I'm not utilizing it, & since my other hardware version clocks auto synch to the time, everything is now in total synch How neat! :)
Dave Allan Guzda
en Would love a 12h/24h option. Otherwise... solid, love that it is an app (unlike all the tab clocks).
Stig Magneson
sv Denna app har jag letat efter länge,och blev glad att hitta denna i dag.Klockan har jag på min dator skärm,mycket prydlig och häftig klocka
Akira Natchi
ja いいですねー
en is there options for the sound of the chime?
Henry Lahman
en Could not get options
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