Multilingual Voice Search

Google voice search in languages different from your OS and location settings.

Total ratings

4.21 (Rating count: 14)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Very helpful and convenient
  • Actually works well
  • Good for specific regions like Hong Kong
  • Lacks language shortcut options
  • Not adaptable for Edge browser
  • Privacy concerns
  • Settings button not functioning
Most mentioned
  • Needs a shortcut for language switching
  • Request for Edge browser adaptation
  • Desire for a hotkey feature
See reviews for Multilingual Voice Search on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.21

Rating filters

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Joe Wong
en it is very helpful and convenience, thank you very much!!
Etownster Guy
en What is the point? Based on location? Needs a shortcut so I can use my choice of language where I'm at now.
en Please adapt this extension to the Edge browser. In Chrome, Slimjet works perfectly, unfortunately, Edge does not work at all.
Tony Nogaj
en Actually works. Really fine ext. Had to change icon to a better one because I use the dark theme, and black on black doesn't look good. This is the new icon I made, You (the developer) can make this the default. >>
Aron Rouzaut
en I wish it had the option to run in a small pop-up inside the tab I'm in, and then create the new one once the voice input is processed.
E Yam
en good for hong kong people.
JS Lee
en Good. But if I could set two language one click button, I'll be better. Switching between two languages takes time.
iBot Интерактивный
ru Как настроить поиск в строке по Видео, а не Общий? Кнопка Настройки не работает
hk mylike
en wanna add hotkey feature , i can rate 5 stars
QuiNa Hui
en good! but my privacy??? ==