Chat Story Maker

Chat Story Maker makes a story from a chatting conversation. You can download the video of the conversation as a story legacy.

Total ratings

2.08 (Rating count: 13)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • cool
  • works pretty well
  • download wouldn't let me use it
  • slow and unappealing design
  • can't add two lines for 1 person
Most mentioned
  • download wouldn't let me use it
  • didn't like it at all
  • works pretty well
See reviews for Chat Story Maker on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 2.08

Rating filters

5 star
4 star
22% (2)
3 star
11% (1)
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11% (1)
1 star
56% (5)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Tarrioad (Ada Lopes)
en I made the vid ok but when i download it didn't work
Yasmin Akter
en How do I delete this? I dont like it at all
en Didn't like it at all; its pretty slow and the design isnt at all appealing, since im on pc, I was looking for something like textingstory but this nothing I wanted.
en The download wouldn't let me use it :/
Sarah Sacks
en don't come at me but i did not like it
Taylor Lingwall
en This was good but ask if you could somehow make it so tht more than 2 people participate in the "discussion" I know that would be hard, but I wanted to check in. BUT I want to point out that someone is responding to all the comments in an incredibly rude and flippant way. whoever is doing that, please stop. I know that's not the developers fault, but I wanted to show that somebody cares. Great Application, it's cool, and I almost like the way it is more than text bubbles
cup of rock
en Doesn't work
en it works pretty well
en you cant even add two lines for 1 person