WifiTransfer - Instant wireless file transfer

Wirelessly transfer files between your computer and mobile phone over local network with a single tap.

Total ratings

2.84 (Rating count: 177)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Beneficial for home-bound users, especially senior citizens
  • Only works with iPhone/iPad devices
  • Requires a companion app that is no longer available
  • Deceptive marketing leading to frustration
  • Does not function on non-Apple devices like Android or PCs
  • Frequent reports of the app not working at all
Most mentioned
  • Only compatible with iPhone/iPad
  • Requires a companion iPhone app
  • Does not work on Android or desktop
See reviews for WifiTransfer - Instant wireless file transfer on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 2.84
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Rating filters

5 star
16% (8)
4 star
6% (3)
3 star
2% (1)
2 star
8% (4)
1 star
69% (35)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Paul Durham
en This app requires a companion iPhone app to function, and that app no longer exists. This app is therefore useless and should be removed from the store.
Rudy Abreus
es me pueden ayudar cual es la aplicacion compatible con esta para android gracias
Mitesh Parmar
en no use at all
Taher Kurbanhusen Attarwala
en Senior citizen like me will love this application.I am home bound and hence this is benifitial
Chirag Gupta
First Last
en If you aren't Apple-ized, skip this. Uses uri protocol 'connect://', which is not supported by android cellphones nor by desktop computers. Connect is just a system shortcut inside iPhone. Genius hackers might be able to add recognition inside non-Apple clients, but still would need a wifi subsystem of some kind. This app isn't as it appears.
Pramod Takkar
en Fake app.Do not install
Lorenz Villero
en did not work
No 1
en fraud
Nihar Mishra
en Only for iphone???
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