ProWritingAid Old

Improve your writing. More than just a spell check and grammar check.

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3.00 (Rating count: 10)
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Recent rating average: 2.78
All time rating average: 3.00

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Perisa Raznatovic
en It works for me but I'm not sure how to enter my license into the Google Doc add on
Dr Mohammad El-Nesr
en I am a pro-plus subscriber, but I am really disappointed with this extension. I disabled grammarly and installed this extension. It has no real-time check of words at all. The other problem is that I have to select the buttons one by one!!! Why there is no one click check? Finally, I have no Idea how to enter my licence to this extension!!!
Kris M
en Does not seem to check in real time.
A Google user
en Here is why I absolutely do not recommend this: 1. The Chrome extension does not work. 2. It does not find even the most obvious typos. 3. It does not offer suggestions for the typos and other mistake it finds. 4. Because it does not suggest the correct spelling, obviously you cannot just click to correct your mistake - like with the free tools you might be used to. If this text contains errors: I had to reinstall it to write this review. It´s not working on this form too, though. I am more grateful to Grammarly now.
Jose Tuliao
en This is better than ginger in my own experience. I hope this will be available in firefox soon. This will be a big help for aspiring writer/blogger like me. Thanks and I hope there's more feature to be added soon.
Myles Scott
en Doesn't work on some social media sites particularly facebook which renders it pretty useless for blogging.
Joe Moya
en Simply does not work on the Facebook site. When posting, it locks the ability to edit once an analysis is completed. And, on Twitter it jumps to the bottom of the site thread if you attempt to use the backspace to delete any letter. This is an alpha version extension add-on at best. This extension makes ProWritingAid look amature-ish.
Peter McQueeny
en Doesn't seem to work in some sites. I could really use this extension in blogger, but the icon doesn't show up! Still, ProWritingAid is the best! Hopefully the kinks will be worked out soon.
Ameya Kawimandan
en The best extension for Proofreading & Grammar check.