HealthUApp: healthy daily reminders

HealthUApp: healthy daily reminders

HealthUApp: Integrate health into your daily routine by receiving gentle reminders to stay active and energized all day!

Total ratings for HealthUApp: healthy daily reminders
5.00 (Rating count: 3)
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Recent reviews for HealthUApp: healthy daily reminders
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Angelina Jesina
Angelina Jesina
en I am so happy that this extension exists :) Sitting all day long in front of computer with a habit of forgetting about everything around me, I started to get concerned about the horn which started to develop but now I can definitely tell that my fears can go away. Nice addition is the water reminder - stay hydrated! Those reminders are really visible and the design is so pleasant, everything works very nicely. Only thing that I didn't like was the sound but it was really easy to turn off. Highly recommend!
Anastasia Zhitko
Anastasia Zhitko
en I'm employed as office worker and sitting in front of my computer 9h/day. Often forgetting to drink water (just coffee) and feeling pains in my neck and back. This extension is really a solution - smart reminder, that helps me to take care of my health during my working hours. Thanks a lot to the developers.
Dzianis Huletski
Dzianis Huletski
en thanks for a great product! I've been using it for a couple of days and haven't noticed any problems yet, I like it!