Percent Calculator

Quickly calculate percentages in 3 different ways!

Percent Calculator - Quick Percentage Calculations Extension

'Percent Calculator' is a user-friendly Chrome extension built to simplify and speed up your percentage calculations. It supports three unique calculation methods: finding X percent of Y, determining what percent Y is of X, and calculating both increases and decreases in percentages. A must-have tool for quick, accurate percentage evaluations.
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Extension stats

Users: 2,000+
Rating: 5.00
Version: 1.0.0 (Last updated: 2017-01-28)
Creation date: 2017-01-28
Risk impact: Very low risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 2
Size: 51.98K

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

Quickly calculate percentages in 3 different ways! You can quickly calculate:

  • What is X percent of Y?
  • X is what percent of Y?
  • Percent increases and decreases

User reviews

the best of similar ext, tyvm
by webster lee, 2021-06-08

Thanks for making this!
by Rio, 2020-01-13

Extremely useful, simple, fast..I promise to always love you :-}
by Findlaigh Shawe, 2018-08-18
View all user reviews

Extension safety

Risk impact

Percent Calculator does not require any sensitive permissions.

Risk likelihood

Percent Calculator has earned a good reputation and can be trusted.

Upgrade to see risk analysis details

Similar extensions

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