Reviews of Sunrise Bay

List of user reviews and ratings for Sunrise Bay

Total ratings

4.60 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Sunrise Bay on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.33
All time rating average: 4.60

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en I love this theme! However, I do agree with others that the theme is a little too big. For my screen you can't see the darker clouds in the sky. But that's okay because you still get to see the sunrise (which also looks just like a sunset) in all it's amazing colors along with the boats and the reflection on the water. So while I didn't get the full image on my screen, I still got to see it in amazing detail. It's pretty much zoomed in. I really don't mind not seeing the full image and I honestly love it better zoomed in. 5 stars from me. :)
Betina Tsvetkova
en I dont like only the pink wordings of the folders. Otherwise it is great
en Liked it , however the theme does not adapt itself to fit the screen on my 15 inch laptop. It is too big.